Scheduling Coordinator & Agency Services

Rely on APX to manage all the ISO coordination and ensure all your daily regulatory requirements are met. APX has helped setup over fifty scheduling coordinator IDs. Let us assist in setting up one of your own or utilize an APX Scheduling Coordinator ID to start up in the CAISO market. APX also provides QSE IDs for ERS participants in ERCOT. With agency services, APX will work with you to develop custom procedures based upon proven automated work processes to ensure ISO deadlines are met.

Benefits include:

  • Quick access to participation in CAISO and ERCOT
  • Develop market operating procedures leveraging APX’s experience
  • Utilize APX’s MarketSuite Scheduling & Settlement platform
  • APX manages all daily credit monitoring, ISO invoice payments and processing
  • Trust the APX 24×7 Operations team experienced across all ISOs