A growing number of U.S. states and territories rely on APX’s North American Renewables Registry™ (NAR) as their designated registry system, including Kansas, Missouri, Maine and Puerto Rico. New York and North Carolina use NAR as a qualifying registry for out of state facilities.

The North American Renewables Registry™ serves as the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) tracking system to demonstrate compliance with the Missouri Renewable Energy Standard. Missouri market participants can register accounts and renewable energy facilities by following the Registration link.
Certification Process
Before projects are approved in NAR for REC tracking in compliance with the Missouri Renewable Energy Standard, Account Holders must apply for facility certification from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources – Division of Energy for each project. Information on the application requirements may be found in the department’s rules at 10 CSR 140-8.010 or the department’s application form.
For more information contact:
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Division of Energy
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
Phone: 573-751-2254
Email: energy@dnr.mo.gov
Compliance Process
The process for retiring RECs for the Missouri Renewable Energy Standard is as follows:
- Log into your account
- Select the RECs to be retired
- Select “Retirement’ – “Used by the Account Holder for a Renewable Portfolio Standard”, select “Missouri” from the drop-down and select the Compliance Year for which you are retiring.
- Click Submit and Confirm
A history of Retirements can be viewed from the “Retirement Compliance Report”
Missouri Public Service Commission
Missouri Statute, Chapter 393
Information on Missouri Renewable Energy Standard from DSIRE
For more information, please Contact Us Or Claire Eubanks at the Missouri Public Service Commission: 573-526-2953 or Claire.Eubanks@psc.mo.go

The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) decided in 2010 to use the North American Renewables Registry (NAR) to assist in verifying compliance by Kansas investor-owned utilities and cooperatives with the Renewable Energy Standards Act (the RES Act). While the RES Act is based on generation capacity, NAR tracking is needed in order to facilitate integration with other renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and voluntary markets, which are energy based. For renewable facilities where a portion of the capacity is allocated to attainment of the Kansas goal, this allocation is recorded in NAR and the associated RECs are retired. This allows for RECs from the remaining capacity to be used for other purposes, such as retirement in other compliance markets (e.g. Missouri and Maine) or transfer to counterparties active in additional markets, such as Green-e® Energy, North Carolina, etc.
It is a requirement for this process that the entire capacity for the Renewable Energy facility is registered in NAR and used for issuance. The Kansas utility or cooperative will also need to create a Kansas Goal sub-account in NAR for each Compliance Year. The Kansas Goal User Guide under the Links section of this page outlines the steps for how to create, manage, and submit the Kansas Goal Sub-Account for final retirement.
Transition to Voluntary Goal
In 2015, some sections of the RES Act were repealed and other sections were amended; most notably, the renewable energy standard for Kansas is now a voluntary goal. The RES Act is composed of the following Sections of Kansas 2015 Statute:
- K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 66-1256
- K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 66-1257
- K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 66-1259
- K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 66-1259a
Because the renewable energy standard for Kansas was changed to a voluntary goal, the KCC’s regulations that relate to electric utility renewable energy standards were revised. The revised regulations became effective February 24, 2017. The KCC’s regulations regarding electric utility renewable energy standards are comprised of:
Kansas Goal User Guide
Kansas Corporation Commission Website
If you have any questions please Contact Us or the KCC at (785) 271-3100

Massachusetts Biomass Registry Terms of Use
James Webb
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Samantha Meserve
John Wassam

Tracking Maine RECs in NAR
NAR tracks Class I and Class II RECs for the Maine RPS program, from meter data reporting, certificate issuance, transfers, and retirements for Maine RPS Compliance.
The process for retiring RECs for the Maine RPS is as follows:
- Log in to your account
- Go to the “My Sub-Accounts” Account Holder Report, and click on the “Active” tab
- Select the rows of RECs to be retired, and adjust the quantity in the row(s) as desired
- Select “Retirement” – “Used by the Account Holder for a Renewable Portfolio Standard”, select “MAINE” from the drop-down and select the Compliance Year for which you are retiring.
- Click Submit and Confirm.
A history of Retirements can be viewed from the “Retirement Compliance Report.”
Maine Class 1 or Class 2 eligible projects located in Northern Maine that export power and attributes into NEPOOL, and who make Unit-Specific Claims for the attributes in the NEPOOL GIS, now have the ability to use NAR to record the export side of this transaction NAR provides for these projects to have their metered output reported by NMISA, and have Certificates created with their Class 1 or Class 2 eligibilities. In NAR, the transaction of power and attributes to the GIS is effected by marking as exported the issued quantity of Certificates that are equal to the quantity of energy (MWhrs) that is involved in the export into NEPOOL. This is then matched by the GIS Administrator against the corresponding Unit-Specific Claims captured in the NEPOOL GIS for the same import activity. The conclusion of both of these activities will result in the issuance of GIS Certificates, and provide a complete audit trail of the export and import activity between the two systems and control areas.
If you have any questions please Contact Us
Or Lucretia Smith at the Maine Public Utilities Commission: (207) 287-1383 – Lucretia.Smith@maine.gov