Maine Renewable Portfolio Standard
The North American Renewables Registry™ serves as the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) tracking system for the Northern Maine Independent System Administrator (NMISA). NMISA market participants can register accounts and renewable energy facilities by following the Registration link.
Tracking Maine RECs in NAR
NAR tracks Class I and Class II RECs for the Maine RPS program, from meter data reporting, certificate issuance, transfers, and retirements for Maine RPS Compliance.
The process for retiring RECs for the Maine RPS is as follows:
- Log in to your account
- Go to the “My Sub-Accounts” Account Holder Report, and click on the “Active” tab
- Select the rows of RECs to be retired, and adjust the quantity in the row(s) as desired
- Select “Retirement” – “Used by the Account Holder for a Renewable Portfolio Standard”, select “MAINE” from the drop-down and select the Compliance Year for which you are retiring.
- Click Submit and Confirm.
A history of Retirements can be viewed from the “Retirement Compliance Report.”
Maine Class 1 or Class 2 eligible projects located in Northern Maine that export power and attributes into NEPOOL, and who make Unit-Specific Claims for the attributes in the NEPOOL GIS, now have the ability to use NAR to record the export side of this transaction NAR provides for these projects to have their metered output reported by NMISA, and have Certificates created with their Class 1 or Class 2 eligibilities. In NAR, the transaction of power and attributes to the GIS is effected by marking as exported the issued quantity of Certificates that are equal to the quantity of energy (MWhrs) that is involved in the export into NEPOOL. This is then matched by the GIS Administrator against the corresponding Unit-Specific Claims captured in the NEPOOL GIS for the same import activity. The conclusion of both of these activities will result in the issuance of GIS Certificates, and provide a complete audit trail of the export and import activity between the two systems and control areas.
If you have any questions please Contact Us
Or Lucretia Smith at the Maine Public Utilities Commission:
(207) 287-1383 –