Next week APX will join sustainability and technology leaders at VERGE in Santa Clara. More than 2000 leaders from the world’s largest companies, most innovative start-ups and progressive government agencies will explore the latest technologies, tools and trends accelerating the clean economy.

We will be launching our new Energy without Boundaries campaign detailing our global renewable energy solution – TIGRs. We track and manage more environmental assets than any other infrastructure provider in the world. With more than 2 billion certificates under management and 1300 global firms as account holders, our clients are free to focus their attention on the strategically important aspects of their business, while we handle operational details on their behalf.

We invite you to come by our booth to learn more about how APX empowers the world’s transition to sustainable energy.


About APX Inc.

The APX portfolio of registries include the North American Renewables Registry (NAR), The APX VCS Registry and the TIGR Registry for RECs in any country. Our infrastructure also supports every RPS compliance market in the United States as well as the Climate Action Reserve and the American Carbon Registry. For more information on APX: