September 24, 2018

An offer to sell 49,470 total Q1 (26,872), Q2 (22,598) vintage 2018 RECs

NPPD current financial credit rating on long term debt: Moody’s Investor Service = A1 (Stable outlook); Standards & Poor’s Rating Service = A+ (Stable outlook); and Fitch rating = A+ (Stable outlook).

Resource Type: Wind

Facilities: (COD = Commercial Operation Date)

  • Steele Flats Wind Farm (SFWF) EIA # 58594 Steele City, Nebraska COD: November 1, 2013

Region: MRO

Green-e certified: No, but you can certify them if you have the ability

Attestation: Transfer within the NAR

Bid Information:  Bids are requested for the 49,470 credits including all fees and commissions (if any). Close of sale will be 5:00 PM Central Daylight Time on September 27, 2018. Preference will be given to higher bid. In case of equivalent bids, the email with the earlier time stamp and acceptance to all terms and conditions set forth in the NPPD “Renewable Energy Credit Purchase and Sales Agreement” (attached) will prevail. NPPD has the right to refuse any or all bids.

Bid procedure: E-mail bid to with attachment of a Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sales Agreement.  Agreement is subject to NPPD management approval. Bidders are encouraged to follow up their e-mail with a telephone call to Steve Zach at (402) 563-5472 to confirm receipt.

Payment: Via check or wire transfer as agreed upon by seller and successful bidder, payment will be made payable to Nebraska Public Power District, 1414 15th Street, Columbus, NE 68602-0499, Attn: Sustainable Energy Department. Payment expected to be made upon mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.

Delivery: RECs will be delivered to bidder’s NAR Account. All transfer fees to be paid by bidder. More detail on the RECs can be found on the NAR Bulletin Board.

Questions should be addressed to: Steve Zach, Energy Efficiency Supervisor, (402) 563-5472 or via e-mail